Choosing The Right Chest Freezer For Your Family
When your refrigerator (with its built-in freezer) doesn’t provide you and your family enough space for the amount of food you need, it’s time to look into purchasing a standalone chest freezer. An upright freezer is one of the greatest conveniences a growing family can afford. With the additional space, you don’t have to play Tetris every time you want to pack something away and instead buy whatever you need or want at the moment. You can take advantage of the cost savings of buying in bulk, or you can enjoy how organized you can be by freezing the upcoming week’s meals.
Once you’re ready to take the plunge and buy a chest freezer, as you can imagine, you’ll have to choose from a variety of freezer brands (with an even greater number sizes and features). It’s easy to think that – as long as it keeps food frozen – a freezer is a freezer is a freezer. But that’s where you’re wrong. While these brands can seem similar, they can differ (sometimes greatly) on quality and durability. Finding a brand that will meet the needs of your family can be simple, as long as you keep in mind some of our simple tips.
We recommend that you flat out avoid brands like LG and Samsung. While they look great (and expensive), we receive a lot of repair requests for these two brands – more than any other. And a repair will be inevitable, as a variety of problems arise after just the first year of owning an LG model. (Don’t believe us? Take a look at consumer reports, placing LG at a 1.2 star rating). What’s worse than constantly repairing faulty parts is paying for it. Since the units are made in Eastern Asia, there is a limited amount of suppliers authorized to sell the correct parts in Canada. Added to their bogus warranties and you’re looking at a particularly expensive repair made difficult by the scarce conditions of its parts.
By staying away from these brands, you’re already doing yourself a huge favour. Sticking with the typical, North American household names can save you a lot of stress. In 2015, Avanti, Amana, and Danby chest freezers came out on top, but even brands like Frigidaire, Kenmore, and GE make good alternatives. With any of these brands, consumers will suffer through less frequent repairs that are easier on the wallet than its Eastern Asian cousin. Parts for these companies are readily available, making its repairs much cheaper.
We recognized affordability is important to any growing family, so our appliance experts can’t stress enough the value of researching your options and comparing brands before you make a purchase. Finding a brand that will save you on repair costs will go a long way in your family’s budget. As you delve into the world of the home appliances, link up with us on Google+ and get in touch. Our knowledgeable team of customer service representatives are available around the clock to answer any of your questions. Backed by the right information, you can find the chest freezer that’ll be a right fit for your home.